8 (812) 326-18-58

8 (812) 325-78-16 (доб.690)

По будням с 10:00 - 19:00

Под заказ

Пульсирующий коралл-Xenia

Цена: 2200 р.

 (Xenia) Пульсирующий коралл

Уровень сложности: Moderate - Difficult

Темперамент : Мирный

Освещение: Сильное

Течение: Умеренное

Расположение: на дне

Характеристика воды 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025

Цвет: черный, рыжевато-коричневый, белый

Добавки: йод, микроэлементы

Происхождение: Южная Пацифика

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Trezor Suite is a one-stop destination allowing you toset up your hardware wallet which ultimately lets you buy, sell, and storeBitcoin and other crypto.A feature-rich bitcoin management program made specifically for use with Trezor hardware wallets is called trezor suite desktop
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Trezor Suite Trezor Suite is its intuitive interface, which provides easy navigation and accessibility to key functionalities. Users can effortlessly view their cryptocurrency balances, initiate transactions, and explore additional features with just a few clicks. Trezor Suite is a comprehensive software application designed to simplify cryptocurrency management with Trezor hardware wallets. With its intuitive interface, Trezor Suite allows users to securely send, receive, and manage their digital assets.
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Daisy Lee
trezor app is a secure digital wallet for managing cryptocurrencies. It offers strong encryption, offline storage, and user-friendly features for securely storing, sending, and receiving digital assets. trezor.io is the official website for Trezor hardware wallets, providing easy and secure storage, management, and protection of cryptocurrencies. Discover their range of products, app, and backup solutions to safeguard your digital assets.
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Manage your all assets and track your coin value at your fingertips with the Ledger live download wallet where you will get the utmost level of security. Ledger live is a software application of a hardware wallet device, that would facilitate the users to view the condition of their invested crypto assets. Get safe and secure communication between your Trezor device and supported browser by using the Trezor bridge that doesn't require any direct interaction to run.
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Trezor Suite is a software application designed to streamline the user experience for managing cryptocurrency wallets and transactions. The suite offers various features, including improved navigation through a restructured guide, enhanced display of account public keys, and notifications for coinjoin candidate transactions. It also includes bug fixes and security enhancements, such as labeling for remembered hidden wallets and warnings for verifying addresses. The suite is part of the SatoshiLabs Group, which offers a range of products and services for secure cryptocurrency management
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Airpuff is a term commonly associated with ophthalmology and optometry, particularly in the context of diagnostic tests for conditions like glaucoma. It refers to a method of measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) by delivering a controlled puff of air onto the cornea.
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Those who have been using Ledger Live for a while now must be aware of the fact that there is no way you can use this wallet without installing Ledger Wallet on your device.
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trezor Suite is a one-stop destination allowing you toset up your hardware wallet which ultimately lets you buy, sell, and storeBitcoin and other crypto.A feature-rich bitcoin management program made specifically for use with Trezor hardware wallets is called Trezor Suite Desktop trezor.io/start
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MetaMask Wallet Extension is a browser extension crypto wallet for Ethereum-based tokens and decentralized applications (dApps). It enables users to manage their digital assets. Metamask Chrome Extension is a Chrome browser extension for managing Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies and interacting with decentralized applications (dApps). It acts as a wallet.
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