8 (812) 326-18-58

8 (812) 325-78-16 (доб.690)

По будням с 10:00 - 19:00

Под заказ

Пульсирующий коралл-Xenia

Цена: 2200 р.

 (Xenia) Пульсирующий коралл

Уровень сложности: Moderate - Difficult

Темперамент : Мирный

Освещение: Сильное

Течение: Умеренное

Расположение: на дне

Характеристика воды 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025

Цвет: черный, рыжевато-коричневый, белый

Добавки: йод, микроэлементы

Происхождение: Южная Пацифика

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wallet connect is an open source protocol that allows you to connect your crypto wallet to decentralized applications (dApps) on the web.
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PINs on Visa gift card or Mastercard gift cards can be found on the back of the card. Simply scratch away the protective layer using a coin and then you will be able to read the PIN's four digits.

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Ledger Live login is a simple, cryptocurrency wallet management software that helps you keep track of, track, and exchange digital assets। It acts as a central hub for users to safely store and monitor their various cryptocurrency holdings, which include popular assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more।The buying, selling, and trading of cryptocurrencies directly from within the application is made possible by Ledger Live, which makes it easy to access external exchanges।, Ledger Live App provides a comprehensive solution for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, whether they are newbie or experienced, who want to manage their assets safely and easily।
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Secure your digital assets with Phantom Wallet Extension from Phantom Extension. It's the ultimate tool for managing and protecting your cryptocurrency investments. Download now!
Phantom Wallet Extension | Phantom Wallet Extension
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So, before you start the process make sure that the crypto you choose to stake is supported on your wallet, you can check this by visiting trezor.io/start. Suppose you have a sufficient amount of Cardano and it is also available for staking via Trezor Model T. So, first of all select “Cardano#1” by navigating to the “Accounts” tab in Trezor Suite, then hit on the “Staking” tab and after that on the “Delegate” button. Now, in the last few steps, you just need to approve the staking request on your Trezor device and then follow the further prompts to finish the entire process.
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Trezor.io/start is the gateway to setting up and securing your Trezor hardware wallet. Visit the official Trezor website and navigate to trezor.io/start to initiate the setup process. EigenLayer is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol facilitating efficient liquidity management and trading across multiple blockchains. It employs a novel Layer 2 scaling solution, enhancing transaction throughput and reducing fees.
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Eigenlayer is a term commonly used in the context of artificial intelligence and machine learning, referring to a layer within a neural network architecture designed to extract essential features from input data for efficient analysis and representation.
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Trust Wallet is a mobile cryptocurrency wallet app designed for securely storing various digital assets. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others. Users can easily manage their crypto holdings, send and receive funds, and even participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) activities. Trust Wallet prioritizes security, offering features like biometric authentication and encryption to safeguard users' funds. It also integrates with decentralized exchanges (DEXs) for seamless trading.
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Trust Wallet extension L'estensione del portafoglio Trust è stata presentata di fronte al mondo nel 2022. È una piattaforma software di portafoglio crittografico digitale che supporta i portafogli hardware. Non è disponibile solo in Google Chrome ma anche in diversi browser come Opera, Brave e Edge. Trezor Wallet Il portafoglio Trezor è un popolare portafoglio hardware noto per la sua affidabilità e caratteristiche affidabili in tutto il mondo. Innanzitutto, è entrato in gara nel 2014 Marek Palatinus e Pavol Rusnak. Trezor Overnight è diventato famoso tra gli utenti di tutto il mondo grazie alle sue eccezionali e ineguagliabili funzionalità di sicurezza. Attualmente conta più di 2 milioni di utenti attivi a livello globale e fornisce i suoi servizi a più di 150 paesi nel mondo.
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